Our natural and free from harmful additives yak cheese chews are typically safe for dogs, and their grain-free, gluten-free nature makes them suitable for pups with sensitive stomachs. Best for small to medium dogs.
- All natural & hand sorted ( 3-4 ounces )
- Cleans teeth and promotes dental health
- 100% digestible & chemical free
- Yak and Cow Milk , Lime Juice
- Made from free range, grass fed cattles of Himalayan Mountains
- Odor-Free
- Shelf life of 2 years
Himalayan Yak Chews ( MEDIUM )
PriceFrom $9.00
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$9.00every week until canceled
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$9.00every 2 weeks until canceled
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$9.00every 3 weeks until canceled
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$9.00every 4 weeks until canceled